
Nedb adapter for js-data

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Quick Start

npm install --save js-data js-data-nedb

var adapter = new DSNedbAdapter();

var store = new JSData.DS();
store.registerAdapter('nedb', adapter, { default: true });

// "store" will now use the nedb adapter for all async operations
var User = store.defineResource({
  name: 'user',
  // path where you want the table file for this resource created
  filepath: 'path/to/userTable.db'

// nedb handler is available here
User.db; // don't run custom queries unless you know what you're doing

// one method you might want to call is User.db.persistence.compactDatafile()

// we don't specify a filepath here,
// so it's automatically created at "./post.db"
var Post = store.defineResource({
  name: 'post'