
DS#get(resourceName, id)

Synchronously return the item with the given id from the store.

Returns undefined if the item is not in the store.


You can call DS#get multiple ways

  • DS#get(resourceName, id)
  • Resource#get(id) - Where Resource was created by DS#defineResource
resourceNamestringThe name of the resource to use. Unnecessary if using the resource directly.
idstring or numberThe primary key of the item to retrieve.
var store = new JSData.DS();
var User = store.defineResource('user');

var user = User.inject({ id: 1, name: 'John' });

User.get(1); // { id: 1, name: 'John' }
user === User.get(1); // true

// item is not in the store
User.get(2); // undefined
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